TV skills find local use

As interested as ever in new means of communicating with constituents, Boris was delighted this week to be the Henley Standard’s interviewee for the paper’s inaugural online video. With typical onscreen energy, he acknowledged that he will soon be moving on, praised Henley for its cultural and sporting life and congratulated the paper for its reporting and technological initiative.

One thought on “TV skills find local use”

  1. I used to love watching Boris Johnson on television, not least because I would immediately reach for my dictionary and Thesaurus so that I could properly understand him. His vocabulary is impressive and richly rewarding, if you love words, so when he first put himself up for the post of Lopndon Mayor, my only fear was that to get his point across, we would need subtitles.

    However, the new Mayor brilliantly adapted his style to the campaign, his speeches are models of clarity with the occasional erudite word enriching the whole, the mark of a true t.v. pro.

    I am thrilled to read of all the cultural initiatives that the Mayor is supporting – he wants to make London the most artistically exciting city on the planet – WOW!!! He plans to be the bridge between the old and the new – FAN RUDDY TASTIC!!!

    I am a huge fan of Tracey Emin, (or racey Emin, as she should be called after her R.A. show), love her modern twist on handicrafts, so I’m loving this new open minded approach…..

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