Tag Archives: Copenhagen

Boris at Copenhagen for a greener future

With the right finance, Britain can lead the world to a greener future, says Boris Johnson.

By the time you read these words I will be airborne to Copenhagen.  Why, you may ask, am I going to the climate change summit? Is it really worth discharging yet more greenhouse gases into the upper air?

As for the validity of the summit itself, I believe that it is of crucial importance for the world. We have a real chance to agree new targets for reducing CO2 emissions – and to bring in countries such as China and India which were, insanely, omitted from the Kyoto protocol. We also have a chance to do something about the politics of global warming, which are in danger of going seriously wrong. We won’t win this argument with the public, we won’t get people to change their lives, we won’t succeed in cutting CO2 if we continue to rely on a diet of unremitting gloom. It is time for a change in the psychological approach.

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