Rage against Ed Balls MP and Latin in the Classroom

The demand for Latin is huge and it is growing, and I don’t just mean that the public is fascinated with the ancient world – though that is obviously true, and demonstrated, for instance, by the success of Robert Harris’s Cicero novels. There is a hunger for the language itself and, thanks to the efforts of a small number of organisations and volunteers, Latin is fighting its way back on to the curriculum

Being an even-tempered fellow, and given that we have already put up with so much nonsense from the Labour Government, I find there are very few ministerial pronouncements that make me wild with anger. We have learnt to be phlegmatic about the mistakes of a government that has banned 4,300 courses of human conduct, plunged this country into the deepest recession in memory, and so skewed the economy that 70 per cent of the Newcastle workforce is in the pay of the state. But there are times when a minister says something so maddening, so death-defyingly stupid, that I am glad not to be in the same room in case I should reach out, grab his tie, and end what is left of my political career with one almighty head-butt.

Such were my feelings on reading Mr Ed Balls on the subject of teaching Latin in schools. Speaking on the radio, Spheroids dismissed the idea that Latin could inspire or motivate pupils he said that headteachers often took him to see the benefits of dance, technology or sport but added:

 “No one has ever taken me to a Latin lesson to make the same point. Very few parents are pushing for it, very few pupils want to study it.”

It is nothing short of a disaster that this man is still nominally in charge of education, science, scholarship and learning in this country. He is in danger of undoing the excellent work of his predecessor, Andrew Adonis, and he is just wrong. Of course he doesn’t get taken round many Latin classes in the state sector. That is because only 15 per cent of maintained schools offer the subject, against 60 per cent of fee-paying schools. But to say that “very few” want to study the subject, to say that there is no demand for Latin – it makes me want to weep with rage. The demand is huge and it is growing, and I don’t just mean that the public is fascinated with the ancient world – though that is obviously true, and demonstrated, for instance, by the success of Robert Harris’s Cicero novels.

There is a hunger for the language itself and, thanks to the efforts of a small number of organisations and volunteers, Latin is fighting its way back on to the curriculum. The Cambridge Classics Project did a 2008 study that found that no fewer than 500 secondary schools had started teaching Latin in the past eight years. That is a fantastic thing. Those schools deserve support.

The reason we should boost the study of Latin and Greek is that they are the key to a phenomenal and unsurpassed treasury of literature and history and philosophy, and we cannot possibly understand our modern world unless we understand the ancient world that made us all.

If Ed Balls is still unconvinced, then let me make one final point, and remind him that in his supposed anti-elitism he is being viciously elitist. Like me, Ed Balls was lucky to be educated at a wonderful fee-paying school where they taught us Latin. For the past 30 years children from such schools have dominated the study of classics at university. They have a ladder up to follow great courses, under brilliant men and women, at some of the best universities in the world – and to go on to good jobs. How mad, how infamous, that a Labour minister – a Labour minister – should seek to kick that ladder away for children less privileged than him.

Ed Balls should remember that some of the greatest socialists of the past 100 years were classicists, from Denis Healey to Geoffrey de Ste Croix, the formidable Marxist historian and author of The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World. What would Ste Croix have made of a government that actively tried to restrict the study of a great and profitable discipline to the bourgeoisie? He would have denounced it as an act of class war, and he would have been right.

It is thanks to the efforts of hundreds of dedicated teachers and volunteers that the tide is now turning. This Government places insane obstacles in the path of all who want to teach Latin in the maintained sector. Labour refuses to recognise Latin as a language for Ofsted purposes, and even though 60 Latin teachers are retiring every year, the Government will find funding for only 27 teachers a year to graduate with a PGCE enabling them to teach classics. That is 27 for the entire country.

In spite of these restrictions, and in spite of all the snootiness of Ed Balls, the enthusiasts are winning. For the first time in decades there are now – in absolute numbers – more state schools than private schools that teach Latin. Ed Balls should be proud of that achievement. He should celebrate it, and encourage it in the name – if nothing else – of social justice.

You can read the whole article and today’s views and news via The Daily Telegraph here

30 thoughts on “Rage against Ed Balls MP and Latin in the Classroom”

  1. at the end of the day Latin like it or not is used everyday especially in the field of medicine. whilst studying to be a doctor are we not taught the Latin names of body parts. gardeners even use Latin in regards to names of flowers, Latin is a major player in the educational world. not to mention the fact that it usually sounds a lot better than the English equivalent ! i have a teach yourself Latin book (laugh if you must) my first tattoo was ‘alla morte’ now that sounds good , the English version however (at the risk of sounding snobbish) sounds common. I love Latin always have.
    im sure that the schools aren’t expecting everyone to be fluent in Latin. just as English and maths skills help us later in life…. so too does Latin.

  2. Education has been devastated by this government and when the CRO of Tesco states that 8 out of 10 applicants can read , write or add up at 16 years of age.
    I could do my 12 times tables by the age of 9 and only yesterday at my local shop I had to tell the girl on the till how much change she had to give me because she forgot to hit the calculate button on the till!
    Lets go back to the 50@ style of basic education and add the frilly bits on when they can do the basics.

    sieze dies quod victum

  3. “end what is left of my political career with one almighty head-butt”

    I don’t really mind either way about Latin, but Boris Johnson’s appearances on TV and in the media are becoming more and more embarrassing.

    Mostly his thoughts are puerile; he writes like a callow fifth former.

  4. …in case I should reach out, grab his tie, and end what is left of my political career with one almighty head-butt…

    On the contrary, I reckon nutting Ed Balls would see you home in all but a Liverpool seat.

    Here’s a good snippet about Mr Balls from the Indy in 1998:

    The question that arises naturally about the Budget is whether it’s Brown’s or Balls’s? Those close to the Chancellor say the big ideas are almost invariably his own. He decides the priorities – jobs for the young and getting people off welfare. Ed Balls then works out how to make the policies work.


  5. You’re right by saying “It is thanks to the efforts of hundreds of dedicated teachers and volunteers that the tide is now turning”. Ed Balls should say thank you to these people for this achievement.

  6. Regrettably I believe pupils would be better off studying German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Hindi or any of the other languages that offer a richer and longer cultural heritage than either Classical Greek or Classical Latin.

  7. Latin? Our British teachers can’t even teach our kids to speak and write English properly nowadays let alone Latin. Most kids ( and even adults! ) now write in text-language ( check their Facebook pages and you’ll see what I mean ) and speak like a Yardie. I have heard that some teachers even encouraged their students to rewrite Shakespeare’s works in text-Yardie language and to fit in with the modern time.

    I taught myself Latin- botanical Latin. Quite fascinating. But that’s just about it really. I agree with Janina Davison-Forder that Latin is useful for medical students.

    As English is the most popular language in the world, why don’t our British schools just concentrate on how to teach our kids speak and write English properly, rather than messing around with their education with so many new half-baked ideas? You must not mess around with a generation’s education just for the shake of it.

    British students should learn some PRACTICAL foreign languages. Likewise, students in other countries should learn English. Then business dealings can be done in English with a bit of foreign language ( French, German… ) thrown in to smooth things out so every body can understand the business contracts properly. That’s just about it really.

    Lastly, what is this ” … the greatest socialists like Denis Healey, blah blah… and the formidable Marxist historian and author Geoffrey de Ste Croix (whatever) ” about? Socialism and marxism are just an idea; well-thought of but has never worked in real life. Look at the ruins of communism in marxist-socialist-communist countries around the world. Croix should have mentioned it in his Marxist books as he dropped dead in year 2000.

  8. Watching that film The Exorcist where the demon talked through that crotch-grabbing girl Regan in Latin in his horrible demonic voice has put me off this ancient language ever since.

    Latin + monks + Prince Charles.

    A communist is a communist. Look at that limp-wristed traitor Anthony Blunt who worked for the Queen restoring her old paintings. After being exposed as a spy for Russia, he hid under the Queen’s skirt for immunity from prosecution and he got away with it. He did not lose his Sir title because of this either. Amazing!

    He spoke with a fake plummy accent, arms waving around, more queenie than a royal queen. His jobs: art historian, professor of the History of Art at the University of London, Director of the Courtauld Institute of Art, Surveyor of the King’s pictures… Gee, very queenie indeed.

  9. Let me put this in context:

    I’ve recently had a letter telling me that my children are going to be learning massage.

    In comparison, given that Latin is the basis for all european languages, how useful is that?

  10. Sorry – I should have made it clear that they are going to be learning massage every day in a state primary school. There is no opt-out. You can’t choose for them to learn their times table instead as you are expected to teach them that yourself at home. What do we pay teachers for again? Shouldn’t the government just let them teach and stop all the daft ‘initiatives’?

  11. We need all the anient history and classics we can get in our schools. Leeds university have just decided to get rid of their classics dept next year too! Can we have a comment on this Boris for the sake of the classics students in their first and second year at leeds as well!

  12. He was the “adviser” who helped Brown wreck private pensions. He has just about done the same for education. Heaven knows the damage he will cause if the Gangstas get back in and now he is showing just what a phillistine he and his fellow gang members are. Remind me, who was the Labour Minister who thought “Big Brother” was a public service? If any “civilian” ran around creating as much damage as Balls, he/she would be sectioned.

  13. Loved ‘lunacy about Latin’. Until recently was only secondary school Latin teacher in Kenya. Now two of us! Alumna became first student last year to receive Classics degree. Will post blow-up of ‘lunacy’ in classroom and await results…

  14. as we are on the subject of latin…. i thought id share one of my favorite sayings with you guys

    I find that language such as latin have some great little examples, just as we see in proverbs for example

    “if the stone falls upon the egg alas for the egg! if the egg falls upon the stone, alas for the egg”

    so here’s one of my more favored ones

    (please excuse the lack of special characters here.)


    well its true !

    now without latin we wouldnt have these wonderful words of wisdom.

    I wish i had the chance to learn the classics at school!
    Ive always been a lover of the ancient worlds.
    Its a shame we haven’t got more knowledge of them… wasn’t there a huge earthquake just before good ole mt Vesuvius erupted ?

    (yes i am aware of the sudden strange change of subject)

    Poor people, they had just started restoring pompeii to its former glory when low and behold a whopping great volcano comes along and messes it all up again!
    (i may be wrong but i am sure that did happen, i really dont think i dream t up that one…did i ?….wheres Pericles when you need him? lol)

    God only knows what would happen if we had a volcano in england? (forgetting about the money we would gain from magma merchandise and various other products for the tourists) We get one flake of snow and the country comes to a stand still!

  15. Well said Boris. Latin is an excellent language and essential for keeping liturgical music alive! My son studies Latin at The London Oratory school. As a result he is now sitting his GSCE and the Head of Classics has also prepared him to take Greek GSCE with only one year’s tuition. Given today’s competition for university places, I believe this will give him a much needed advantage…..that perhaps Food Technology may not have!!

  16. I hated Latin when I started to learn it at school, mainly because my mother insisted that I take it at GCSE. I am not sure whether this was motivated by the fact that she thought it would be useful (she was not given the opportunity to learn it herself which meant she could not become a pharmacist) or by the fact that it meant I would have to drop Art and Design (the cause of a lot of mess at home). However, I then grew to love it so much I took it at A Level and added Ancient Greek AS. It is no less useful than my Modern Languages degree has turned out to be and the thrill of being able to translate inscriptions at Hadrian’s Wall never fades. I must admit I don’t tend to put on my CV that I won a Latin declamation competition aged 16. Making children learn Latin is positive in so many ways. First of all it gives them the discipline to apply themselves to something they perhaps do not want to do (a useful life skill). Secondly, it will help them to learn about grammatical structures which they do not learn about in English GCSE. Finally, at a more advanced level, it will provide them with some theoretical basis for sound public speaking. Ave atque vale!

  17. Does anyone know where Mr. Balls actually made his comments about Latin? I am trying to track them down and cannot get any closer than Mr. Johnson’s article.

  18. Update .June 11th.. – 2011.

    The following sent to —-312 Lords.——- House of Lords.( inc. Lord Myners.)
    The following sent to —-649.M.P’s——–House of Commons.


    Pictet & Cie Bank.

    Ivan Pictet.
    Nicolas Pictet.
    Charles Pictet.
    Jacques de Saussure.
    Jean – Francois Demole.
    Renaud de Planta.
    Philippe Bertherat..

    Pictet & Cie.- claim they are the “Rolls Royce”of Swiss banks.

    Swiss Banks or more correctly Swizz banks.

    Swizz. —- “ a great disappointment.” or a “ fraud.”

    Fraud. —“ an intentional deception or dishonesty.”— “a crime.”

    Crime. —“ an act committed or omitted in violation of a law.”

    Serious Crimes .
    Conspiring to pervert the Course of Justice.
    Perverting the Course of Justice.
    Contempt of Court.

    Pictet & Cie.

    Pictet & Cie Bank –Partners –(1996—2011 )- guilty.
    Peters &Peters – Partners.— (1999—2011 )- guilty.

    The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately withheld crucial documents requested under a High Court order. The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately withheld evidence from the Police, and one of it’s account managers Susan Broadhead gave a false witness statement .
    Another one of it’s managers Nicholas Campiche ( Now Head of Pictet – Alternative Investments.) concocted a letter pretending to be a client and closed his account. The senior partner (Ivan Pictet.) sought to have numerous documents destroyed,along with those copies held in their London office’s of Pictet Asset Management. Initially stating that they were forgeries then their lawyers Peters & Peters – Monty Raphael .Q.C.–and the barrister Charles Flint.Q.C. later had to admit in Court that the documents were genuine.

    British Parliament. Hansard .29th March 2007.
    Barry Sheerman .M.P.—quote.

    ———“ Constituents of mine have lost £2 million through fraud. The fraudster used Pictet & Cie – – a French Bank – – and Pictet Asset Management to back the fraud being perpetrated.””

    (1) It is a criminal offence for a bank to knowingly act for an undischarged criminal bankrupt in so far as it seeks to assist that criminal bankrupt in the fraudulent movement of monies. ( Money Laundering.)

    (2) It is a criminal offence for a bank to lie to the police and the bankrupts trustee in bankruptcy in so far as any knowledge of, or dealings with the bank was refuted .

    (3) A bank can be guilty of Contempt of Court if it fails to comply fully with the Courts order for discovery .

    (4) The banks contempt is further compounded if it fails to address its error after it is specifically drawn to the to its solicitors attention. ( Monty Raphael).

    (5) It is a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act to seek to destroy evidence that might be relevant to an investigation .

    (6) It is a criminal offence not to relinquish control of funds to the Trustee immediately the fact of the bankruptcy is drawn to the banks attention.

    (7) It is a criminal offence to lie or otherwise obfuscate the lawful and proper enquiries of the F.S.A.

    In the F.S.A. cover up , they concluded that there had been “ Rogue” elements in Pictet & Cie’s , London operations . They had been moved from their London Office so who was there left to prosecute. “ Unbelievable.”

    On Dec 9th,2008. the complaint was sent to 150 Members of the House Of Lords and 230 Members of Parliament.

    *** We thank –David Cameron. M.P. ( Canary Wharf Speech.) Dec. 15th. 2008.
    *** –Now —- The Prime Minister.

    (1) Bankers who behave irresponsibly should face professional consequences.
    (2) If anyone is found to have behaved criminally they must be prosecuted.
    (3) The F.S.A and the Serious Fraud Office should be following up every lead, and
    investigating every suspect transaction .
    (4) We need to make it 100% clear –those who break the law should face prosecution.
    (5) That we make sure we root out any wrongdoing that may have happened, whoever is
    involved, however high or well connected they may be.

    The ‘Doyens’ of the establishment.’ ( Ivan Pictet and Monty Raphael.)

    Ivan Pictet.
    Managing partner in Pictet & Cie Bank . — retiring -. 2010.?
    President of the Geneva Financial Centre. – stepping down. 2010.?
    World Bank.committee member.
    United Nations. Investment Committee member,
    Vice President – Global Humanitarian Forum. — redundant.2010.?
    Member of the Henokiens.
    Blackstone Group — Board Member.
    Past- President – Geneva Private Bankers association.
    Past –President – Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    Monty Raphael.Q.C. ( Peters & Peters.)
    Quote.” —- Doyen of U.K. Fraud lawyers.
    Head of Fraud and Regulatory Dept. — stepping down.?.
    Member of the Law Society of England & Wales.
    International Bar Association Member.
    Director of Fraud Advisory Panel.

    Written Parliamentary Questions received by the table office ..

    (1) To ask the secretary of state what steps he is taking to ensure that Swiss Banks such as Pictet & Cie do not evade criminal prosecution under EU law even when the illegal act is committed by a London based subsidiary.

    (2)To ask the secretary of state what steps he is taking to protect the rights of UK citizens who seek redress following criminal activities by Swiss banks with subsidiary offices located in London.

    On Dec 9th,2008. the complaint was sent to 150 Members of the House Of Lords and 230 Members of Parliament.
    On Aug 19th.2009.another complainants file regarding the “cover up” was forwarded to the same 380 members.

    We started our campaign in June 2008 — via the “net” to highlight our fight to get “justice”. In our second year campaign we hoped to reveal further damning evidence . Due to there being an on going Police investigation into our complaint we are at this moment unable to place dozens of documents on to the “net”. Again we thank other “ E- Mailers” for their information in relation to our campaign.

    Quote. ( America’s Top Lawyer .)

    You can be the richest man in the world with the best lawyers that money can buy but you cannot win against a man who has got nothing left to lose and is telling the truth.
    Truth Hurts.

    • Ivan Pictet. Announces stepping down from Pictet & Cie. 5th Feb 2010.
    June 2010 – stepping down as president. Geneva. Financial Centre.
    • Monty Raphael. Steps down as head .( Peters and Peters ) May. 2009.

    *** We note that there has been a sharp increase in Peters & Peters partners leaving to go to other practices. Moving does not alleviate them of any responsibility from any illegalities that may have occurred at Peters & Peters during their partnership tenure. From 1999 onwards.

    *** Were currently waiting to see if the West Yorkshire Police :-
    (1) Chief Constable —- Sir Norman Bettison.
    (2) Forces Solicitor —- Mike Percival.
    (3) Head of Economic Crimes Unit.— Det. Chief Inspector Steven Taylor.

    — continue to attempt to cover this case up like their F.S.A. Counterparts.
    If they do “ watch this space”)

    We have recently been informed that due to pressure from our M.P. that the Ministry of Justice have asked Lord Myners to investigate our claims that the F.S.A. covered up the illegal activities of Pictet Asset Management. London. They might as well have asked Ivan Pictet to investigate .or Friends Reunited.
    Lady Myners on Prix Pictet board.

    The consensus of opinion is the Pictet & Cie should be prosecuted , and that their banking licence’s should be taken away in the U.K. ( and fined.)
    Their solicitors at Peters & Peters — struck off and prosecuted..
    In America they would have all been in prison for the last seven years.

    Our Campaign’s Second Year Anniversary this week .
    Started June 6 th 2008. ( almost 4 million E-Mail in three years.)
    Still no injunctions – – -no writs – – – ( they can’t go to Court – – – – it’s all true.)

    *** the Bigger they are – – – – the harder they fall.!!!

    In America – – they would have all been in prison for the last seven years.

    Full Story.

    Go on “Google” or “Yahoo” and insert ( Peters & Peters/ Pictet & Cie.)

    Or insert any of the following combinations.

    1. Insert.—( Jacques de Saussure/ Monty Raphael)
    2. Insert—( Ivan Pictet / Monty Raphael).
    3. Insert—( Pictet& Cie/ Monty Raphael.)
    4. Insert—( Charles Flint/ Monty Raphael)
    5. Insert—( Nicholas Campiche/ Susan Broadhead). .
    6. Insert.—( F.S.A./ Monty Raphael.)
    7. Insert – ( F.S.A./ Pictet & Cie.)
    8. Insert.—( Hansard/Ivan Pictet.)
    9. Insert. – ( Lord Myners / Pictet & Cie..)
    10. Insert – ( Sir Anthony Holland / Monty Raphael.)
    11. Insert – ( David Cameron / Monty Raphael.)
    12. Insert – ( Bernard Madoff / Pictet & Cie.)
    13. Insert – ( Sir Norman Bettison / Monty Raphael.)
    14. Insert – ( David Cameron / Pictet & Cie.)

    *** Latest News !.!.

    Bernard Madoff’s trustee suing Pictet & Cie. — $156 Million.
    Rogue Pictet & Cie advisors sold Madoff Funds.
    Pictet & Cie helped thousands of rich Americans hide monies offshore.

    Madoff got 150 years in jail —- surely the bank partners , their lawyers and “ advisors” should also get appropriate jail sentences

  19. West Yorkshire Police.

    We note that Det Chief Inspector Steven Taylor has been removed as Head of the Economic Crime Unit and demoted to Det. Inspector. ( One down two to go.)

    A file of some 339 pages including scores of documentation has been forwarded to the following — Aug 4-6th .2011.

    640 — Members of Parliament.
    460 — Members of the House of Lords.
    Ministry of Justice.
    F.S.A. – Financial Services Authority.
    Serious Fraud Office,
    Peters & Peters .London. — Solicitors.
    Pictet & Cie Bank — London & Geneva.
    West Yorkshire Police Authority.
    I.P.C.C.— Independent Police Complaints Commission.
    C.C.R.C. — Criminal Cases Review Commission.
    Swiss Ambassador London.

  20. The Criminal Super Class.

    Over approximately five years of hitting the internet with a case that involves criminality by a major Swiss Bank , Britain’s most prominent fraud lawyer and a regional police force headed by one of Britains top policeman. ( Surely justice should prevail.)

    In fact the complete opposite even though the offences committed are very serious.

    Conspiring to Pervert the Course of Justice.
    Perverting the Course of Justice.
    Contempt of Court.—————— plus a dozen or so smaller offences.

    In the five years some 6-7million e-mails have been forwarded to all Members of Parliaments in Britain and Switzerland, every barrister and chambers in Europe .
    Every law inforcement body in both countries , and America. Even raised in Parliament twice.

    The banking fraternity ( somewhat Freemason-ish) fully aware of this case still decide to give the Private Banker of the Year Award to Ivan Pictet — Pictet & Cie Bank. ( Him being the person most responsible for the crimes committed by him and his bank partners. )

    The legal fraternity ( very Freemason -ish ) decide that Monty Raphael of Peters & Peters . London become an honourable Queens Counsellor and to rub the salt in six months later made a Master of the Bench. He also was guilty of all the above offences but so what. At this rate he might become King by the end of the year.

    The police ( West Yorkshire Police.) headed by Sir Norman Bettison has not improved as a force on fighting crime. They are now worse than the days of the Yorkshire Ripper , when they had him in custody nine times and let him go. If it hadn’t been for the South Yorkshire Police force catching the Ripper he would have still been at large to day .

    Then they wonder why the man in the street becomes angry and decides to riot.
    All we can do is to continue pressing for justice and up the pressure on the internet
    for the next five years and beyond.

  21. Pictet & Cie. Bank – list of crimes.

    1996 —- Breach in London.
    2003 — FSA — States rogues operating in Pictet’s –London
    Office . Ivan Pictet said documents were forgeries but
    were lated proved to be genuine. Had documents held
    in London office destroyed.

    2007 — Japan. —- The Securities and Exchange Surveillance
    issued a recommendation that the Prime Minister and
    The Commissioner of the FSA to take disciplinary
    action against Pictet Asset Management. Japan Ltd.

    2008 — Dec. —Pictet Bank state — “ we have never chosen
    any funds linked to Madoff.”

    2011 — Madoff Trustees sue Pictet & Cie. For $156 Million.

    2011— Bank at centre of Bribery and money laundering case.
    Being sued for $350 million. ( In U.S.A.)

    2012.— Geneva Bank Pictet used in Offshore Tax Scheme.
    U.S. Authority states.

  22. Feb 3. -2013.

    Peters & Peters Partners —-(1999 —2013.) – guilty.
    Pictet & Cie Bank – Partners -(1996—2013) – guilty.

    The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately withheld crucial documents requested under a High Court order. The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately withheld evidence from the Police, and one of it’s account managers Susan Broadhead gave a false witness statement to the Police.
    Another one of it’s managers Nicholas Campiche ( Now Head of Pictet – Alternative Investments.) concocted a letter pretending to be a client and closed his account. The senior partner (Ivan Pictet.) sought to have numerous documents destroyed,along with those copies held in their London office’s of Pictet Asset Management. Initially stating that they were forgeries then their lawyers Peters & Peters – Monty Raphael Q.C.–and the barrister Charles Flint.Q.C. later had to admit in Court that the documents were genuine.

    British Parliament. Hansard .29th March 2007.
    Barry Sheerman .M.P.—quote.

    ———“ Constituents of mine have lost £2 million through fraud. The fraudster used Pictet & Cie – – a French Bank – – and Pictet Asset Management to back the fraud being perpetrated.””

    (1) It is a criminal offence for a bank to knowingly act for an undischarged criminal bankrupt in so far as it seeks to assist that criminal bankrupt in the fraudulent movement of monies. ( Money Laundering.) assisted by Monty Raphael.Q.C.

    (2) It is a criminal offence for a bank to lie to the police and the bankrupts trustee in bankruptcy in so far as any knowledge of, or dealings with the bank was refuted . + Monty Raphael.Q.C.

    (3) A bank can be guilty of Contempt of Court if it fails to comply fully with the Courts order for discovery .+ Monty Raphael Q.C.

    (4) The banks contempt is further compounded if it fails to address its error after it is specifically drawn to the to its solicitors attention. ( Monty Raphael Q.C.).

    (5) It is a criminal offence under the Financial Services Act to seek to destroy evidence that might be relevant to an investigation .+ Monty Raphael.Q.C.

    (6) It is a criminal offence not to relinquish control of funds to the Trustee immediately the fact of the bankruptcy is drawn to the banks attention.+ Monty Raphael Q.C.

    (7) It is a criminal offence to lie or otherwise obfuscate the lawful and proper enquiries of the F.S.A. + Monty Raphael Q.C.

    In the F.S.A. cover up , they concluded that there had been “ Rogue” elements in Pictet & Cie’s , London operations . They had been moved from their London Office so who was there left to prosecute. “ Unbelievable.”

    *** We thank –David Cameron. M.P. ( Canary Wharf Speech.)

    (1) Bankers who behave irresponsibly should face professional consequences.
    (2) If anyone is found to have behaved criminally they must be prosecuted.
    (3) The F.S.A and the Serious Fraud Office should be following up every lead,
    investigating every suspect transaction .
    (4) We need to make it 100% clear –those who break the law should face
    (5) That we make sure we root out any wrongdoing that may have happened, whoever
    is involved, however high or well connected they may be.

    Both Ivan Pictet and Monty Raphael.Q.C. conspired to withhold crucial documents requested by the High Court – the FSA — and the Police Serious Fraud Squad.

    Written Parliamentary Questions received by the table office ..

    (1) To ask the secretary of state what steps he is taking to ensure that Swiss Banks such as Pictet & Cie do not evade criminal prosecution under EU law even when the illegal act is committed by a London based subsidiary.

    (2)To ask the secretary of state what steps he is taking to protect the rights of UK citizens who seek redress following criminal activities by Swiss banks with subsidiary offices located in London.

    Quote. ( America’s Top Lawyer .)
    You can be the richest man in the world with the best lawyers that money can buy but you cannot win against a man who has got nothing left to lose and is telling the truth.

    *** We note that there has been a sharp increase in Peters & Peters partners leaving to go to other practices. Moving does not alleviate them of any responsibility from any illegalities that may have occurred at Peters & Peters during their partnership tenure. From 1999 onwards.

    The consensus of opinion is the Pictet & Cie should be prosecuted , and that their U.K. banking licence should be taken away.

    Their Solicitors at Peters & Peters .London “ struck off and prosecuted..”

    *** Started campaign — June 6th.2008.
    4 .5years —- approx 8 .5 million e-mails – – – but still no writs, injunctions or threats of litigation – – – WHY – – – because it is all true.

    *** . The bigger they are — the harder they fall.!!!
    In America —- they would have all been in prison for the last seven years.

    Monty Raphael Q.C. — Master of the Bench — one of the main advisors to the F.S.A. — the Banks.— and the Police.

    Seeing that the Banks and the Police are now top of the criminality table and the F.S.A. top of the incompetency list for government bodies — we cannot understand why Monty Raphael Q.C. and his firm of Peters & Peters are still allowed to operate.( Friends in high places.)

    Monty And Friends In Association. (MAFIA.)

  23. Sods —- Law.

    Dec. 2013.

    For almost two decades we have strived to get justice for the injustice we have suffered at the hands of a world renowned bank .( Pictet & Cie.)

    Two Yorkshire men both running their own family businesses trying to resolve the problem by taking the correct legal procedures to recover their monies.

    The matter was raised in parliament –twice – the FSA investigated the matter concluding that the bank had rogues operating in their London Bank — but the rogues had left — so there.

    We then approached the Financial Ombudsman Service – our case was dealt with by seven different people —- then numerous E-Mails were ignored — nobody would speak to us. – so there.

    We then asked the SFO ( Serious Fraud Office) to investigate our case
    — the criteria of our case ticked all their boxes — we were instructed not to send down any documents / evidence — in fact they wrote to us advising us to go to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. ( CAB) .

    RICHARD ALDERMAN ( The Boss) —- who responded to our letter was the man who would not investigate the “ Madoff “ scandal or the “Libor” fiasco. The MP’S committee —– said he was sloppy — and the SFO was run like “ Fred Karno’s Circus. —– so there.

    Our M.P. approached our local Chief Constable to investigate – our West
    Yorkshire Police Force — made “ Dad’s Army” look like the S.A.S.
    Inept , corrupt – from top to bottom. We were criminally dealt with by the Forces Solicitor — the Head of the Economic Crime Unit — and the Chief Constable — one SIR NORMAN BETTISON. —- so there.

    We then were advised to pass our complaint against West Yorkshire Police to the I.P.C.C.— which we did — they instructed the West Yorkshire Police to look into our complaint. —-so there.

    Sir Norman Bettison —and the Forces Solicitor –and the Head of the Economic Crime Unit – all removed from their posts and facing criminal allegatioins. — So there

    We even sought justice through the Courts , culminating in a visit to the Court of Appeal. London. On leaving the Court of Appeal that day our barrister ( a rising star ) informed us that if that was justice then they can keep it. He quit the law and moved to Canada.—-so there.

    We learned a few years later that one of the judge’s in our case at the Courts of Appeal was related to a senior executive of the Bank.—so there.

    The Bank —- PICTET & CIE.. London. — Geneva.
    Voted private bank of the year —2013.
    IVAN PICTET —- the senior partner — lied on numerous occasions and had documents destroyed — said genuine documents were forgeries.
    2012—Voted Banker of the Year.
    Oct 2013 — Given the LEGION of HONOUR — so there

    But saying that honours were given to Hitler—Eichmann— Mussolini —
    Franco – he’s in fitting company. —- so there.

    MONTY RAPHAEL –Peters & Peters. London were the banks lawyers.
    He along with Ivan Pictet withheld crucial documents requested by the High Court —- the FSA and the police Fraud Squad.

    Monty Raphael became an Honorary Queens Counsellor. ( Q.C.) in March.2012 —- made Master of the Bench in Nov.2012 .
    An expert in Fraud – the Doyen of Fraud Lawyers – so there.

    This says a lot about Banks —- the consensus of opinion is that they are highly paid “crooks” — no wonder they voted Ivan Pictet banker of the year .

    Full Story —-“ google or yahoo”

    Ivan Pictet. Banker.
    Monty Raphael.Q.C.
    Ivan Pictet/Monty Raphael.

  24. Update —- Dec .28th 2013.

    Pictet & Cie Bank
    List of Crimes.
    1996 — F.S.A. — Breach in London.
    2003 — F.S.A. — States
    Rogues were operating in Pictet’s London offices.
    Ivan Pictet states that documents were forgeries but were later proved to be genuine in the British Courts. ( Ivan Pictet a proven liar.). He had documents destroyed in their London office – hoping to hide the crimes.
    2007 — The Securities&Exchange Surveillance ( Japan.)
    Issued a recommendation that the Prime Minister and the Commissioner of the F.S.A. to take disciplinary action against Pictet Asset Management – Japan Ltd.
    2008 — Dec. — Pictet Bank state – “ We have never chosen any funds linked to MADOFF.
    2011 – Madoff Trustees sue Pictet & Cie. Bank . for $156,000,000. ( They lied again.)
    2011 — Pictet & Cie bank abetted a Bribery Scheme. — Oil Company sues Pictet Bank for — $350,000,000.
    2012 — April.—Pictet & Cie, Bank .Geneva implicated in offshore Tax Scheme. –USA .
    2012 — June. — Published in Anglo INFO. Geneva, —- USA Trust Fund were sent false and fraudulent documents by Pictet Bank in order to collect large fees.
    (Like MADOFF). – Even after the SEC in the USA had uncovered the fraud Pictet Bank continued to charge fees and drain whatever was left in these accounts.
    Estimated that – $90,000,000 was lost in this Pictet Ponzi Scheme.
    2012 — July — German paper –De – Spiegel — states — Pictet Bank uses a letterbox company in Panama and a tax loophole involving investments in London to lure/gain German Millionaires as clients.
    2012 — August. — German Oppositon Leader accuses Swiss Banks of “ organised crime”.
    2013 — Swiss M.P.’s table motion to freeze Tiab Mahmuds assets of “ criminal origins” held in Swiss banks — $18,000,000 held in five accounts at Pictet & Cie Bank . Bahamas.
    2013 — Feb. — The bank is now seeking to re-structure — to cut the partners liability ( not to risk their ill gotten personal wealth.) — hoping to offload the decades of criminal responsibility. ( Some listed above.)
    The Germans are right – the bankers should go to prison if found guilty of financial crimes. ( Madoff got 150 years in prison — surely the Pictet Bank’s partners should go to jail.)
    Ironically the Pictet & Cie .Bank partners are bigger criminals than the criminals who have accounts in their bank.
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Pictet & Cie Bank.— Partners —– ( 1996—2013)—Guilty.
    Peters & Peters — Partners —— (1996 — 2013) —Guilty.
    The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately withheld crucial documents requested under a High Court Order. The bank and it’s officials/lawyers deliberately held evidence from the police/courts.
    One of Pictet’s accounts managers SUSAN BROADHEAD gave a false witness statement to the police. The banks Head of Alternative Investments concocted a letter pretending to be a client and closed his account.
    The senior partner ( IVAN PICTET) sought to have numerous documents destroyed along with copies held in their London Office’s of Pictet Asset Management. Initially stating that they were forgeries.
    Their lawyers PETERS & PETERS —– re MONTY RAPHAEL.Q.C. and the barrister CHARLES FLINT. Q.C. later had to admit in Court that the documents were indeed genuine.
    British Parliament. Hansard.
    Barry Sheerman .M.P. — quote:
    “ Constituents of mine have lost £2,000,000. through fraud. The fraudster used Pictet & Cie – a French Bank – and Pictet Asset Management to back the fraud being perpetrated”.
    Both Ivan Pictet and Monty Raphael Q.C. conspired to withhold crucial documents requested by the High Court —- the F.S.A —– and the Police Fraud Squad.
    Written Parliamentary Questions received by the table office.
    (1) To ask the secretary of state what steps he is taking to ensure that Swiss Banks such as Pictet & Cie do not evade criminal prosecution under EU law even when the illegal act is committed by a London based subsidiary.
    (2) To ask the secretary of state what steps he is taking mto protect the rights of UK citizens who seek redress following criminal activities by Swiss banks with subsidiary offices located in London.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – .
    The consensus of opinion is that Pictet & Cie bank should be prosecuted, and that their U.K. Banking licence should be taken away.
    Their Solicitors at Peters & Peters.London. – “ Struck off and prosecuted.
    In America they would have all been in prison for the last seven years.

    Full Story. —– Google or Yahoo.
    Ivan Pictet. Banker.
    Charles Pictet. Banker.
    Nicolas Pictet. Banker.
    Renaud de Plant. Banker.
    Francois DeMole. Banker.
    Jacques de Saussure. Banker.
    Philippe Bertherat. Banker.

    For several years we placed the following on hundreds of media sites —
    *** Were currently waiting to see if the West Yorkshire Police :-
    (1) Chief Constable —- Sir Norman Bettison.
    (2) Forces Solicitor —- Mike Percival.
    (3) Head of Economic Crimes Unit.— Det. Chief Inspector Steven Taylor.
    — continue to attempt to cover this case up like their F.S.A. Counterparts.
    We can now confirm that all three of West Yorkshire’s senior police officials have all been removed from their posts and facing criminal allegations.

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