Category Archives: press releases

Revealed: Prescott’s plans to bulldoze Oxfordshire’s greenfields


Conservatives step up campaign to protect green fields

Conservatives this week stepped up the pressure on the Government on its plans to bulldoze Oxfordshire’s greenfields, by publishing ‘Prescott’s Greenfield Hitlist’ – a comprehensive survey of the Government’s regional plans for new concrete development.  Click Here  to know about best concrete sealers.

Cleaning concrete may be a little tougher than most other surfaces, as concrete floors are often found in places exposed to worst of treatments. This includes garages, warehouses, driveways etc. where the surface has got to bear almost anything, and therefore the stains can hardened if they continue to be there long enough. Exposure to grease, paint, dirt, grim and lots of other agents can make concrete floors cleaning, the touchest job.

Fortunately, there are many products specifically made to removing oil stains out of concrete and that they do a tremendous job no matter how hard the work is. they’re not as expensive than they seem , and with a touch research to asertain their composition with specific chemicals for driveway cleaning, finding the simplest concrete cleaner shouldn’t be a drag .

The document highlights that in the South East alone, 39,000 houses are to be built every year, 2,430 of them in Oxfordshire with 40 per cent of these being constructed on Greenfield sites. Labour’s Housing Minister, Nick Raynsford, asserted that Labour would punish those councils failing to comply with these plans.

Boris Johnson said:
“Before Labour were elected, they pledged to defend our greens spaces from over-development. Tony Blair declared he ‘loved’ England’s countryside. Yet like on so many other issues, people in Oxfordshire have been let down by Labour.

“The Government are depriving local communities of their say on planning by transferring decision-making to unaccountable and distant regional bodies. Having silenced local opposition, John Prescott is planning to bulldoze Oxfordshire’s greenfields. I appreciate the very real need for more affordable housing in Oxfordshire, but it should be up to local people to decide responsibly where and how much. This Government patently does not trust them to do this, so these decisions are now being imposed from above.

It’s time to expose what the Government and their regional bureaucrats are planning – their concrete blueprints are bad for local democracy and bad for the environment.”

A copy of ‘Prescott’s greenfield hitlist’ is available at:


New concrete threat to Oxfordshire’s green spaces


Government report calls for more development on green fields and Green Belt

Boris Johnson MP warned this week that the Government were planning to remove vital protection against development on Oxfordshire’s green spaces, and take away Oxford County Council’s say on housing by passing responsibility to distant regional politicians.

The proposals were outlined in a report published by the Treasury on measures to change the housing supply in the country. The report calls for a massive extension of regional planning and regional involvement in housing, new centralised housing targets, and more greenfield and Green Belt development.

Polished concrete is one of the cheapest flooring options you can have and it’s one of the most long lasting flooring options out there. The trend of polished concrete was down for a while but today, it has been a strong comeback and a lot of contractors are moving into polishing works. Since there is a lot of competition in the industry, it’s important to understand how to find the best deal. 

As a homeowner, it is imperative to make use of the best items and solutions. In this way, homes can become appealing and comfortable. That is why, when it comes to flooring, more and more homeowners prefer polished concrete flooring. By using such floor, homeowners can obtain numerous features that can benefit them.

Althоugh concrete cutting hаѕ bееn аrоund fоr a lоng tіmе thе basic premise remains thе ѕаmе. A circular diamond blade іѕ mounted tо a motorized machine аnd cuts a small separation іn thе concrete tо allow a portion tо bе removed whіlе leaving іn tact thе area thаt іѕ tо remain. Thеrе саn bе mаnу different reasons whу оnе wоuld need ѕuсh a service, a fеw examples mіght bе: Cutting іn thе roadway оr streets fоr new utilities tо bе installed. Or a broken pipe needs tо bе repaired underneath thе roadway аnd saw cutting allows оnе tо gаіn access tо thе utility fоr repair. Concrete cutting іѕ аlѕо used іn commercial application whеrе conduits need tо bе installed оr re-routed tо оthеr locations.

Wall sawing іѕ a service whеrе уоu cut a square оr rectangle іn a concrete оr masonry wall. Thе reason wоuld bе tо open uр аn area fоr a doorway оr window. Wall sawing саn аlѕо bе used tо open uр walls tо bе able tо pass thrоugh large A/C ducts оr large conduits. Thе process оf wall sawing іѕ whеrе special tracks аrе mounted tо a wall аlоng wіth a power unit аnd circular blade. Twо vertical аnd twо horizontal cuts аrе mаdе іn thе wall аnd thеn thе cut piece саn bе pushed оut fоr demolition аnd removal. Click here if you want to know more about the concrete cutting melbourne.

Thе work оf concrete cutting involves specialized equipment аnd саn bе extremely dangerous work, ѕо іf уоur еvеr іn need оf ѕuсh a service, рlеаѕе саll a license concrete cutting professional. Yоu саn easily protect уоurѕеlf bу requiring tо ѕее thе contractors license, insurance, аnd workmen compensation. If уоu don’t check tо ѕее thеѕе documents thе responsibility саn fall bасk tо уоu ѕhоuld ѕоmеthіng gо wrong оn уоur project оr worse уеt, ѕоmеоnе іѕ seriously injured.

Boris Johnson said:

“The recommendations in this report will not solve the crisis in affordable housing that has developed under this Government. Labour’s policies and tax rises must take much of the blame for the crisis – for example, the average first time buyer in the Oxfordshire now pays £1,412 extra in stamp duty alone, money that could otherwise be put towards a deposit.

“The Government is adopting a centralist, ‘dictate and provide’ approach in the housing market that will strip local communities of their say, bulldoze green spaces and put areas such as Sanford at further risk of being covered in concrete. In a past adjournment debate on housing in South Oxfordshire, Boris Johnson criticised the Government for failing to trust local people to decide responsibly on local planning matters. A distinction can and should be drawn between bad Nimbyism and good.

“We need more affordable housing, but we should focus on regenerating urban areas and brownfield land, so that the right homes are built in the right places, rather than fuelling unsustainable development.

“But the Liberal Democrat alternative is even worse – they would place VAT on new housing, which would add £14,321 to the cost of a new home in the South East and make home ownership even more unaffordable for young people and working families”.


Barker Review into Housing Supply

The Treasury review into housing supply, conducted by Kate Barker, issued its report on 18 March 2004.

Its proposals include a massive extension of regional planning and regional involvement in housing – de facto centralisation, new centralised targets, a new land development tax, and more greenfield and Green Belt development.

‘Local authorities should allocate a further buffer of land to improve their plan’s responsiveness to changes in demand. Additional land for development would be brought forward from this buffer when there was evidence of local housing market disequilibrium’ (p.43)

‘Planning authorities should show greater flexibility in using their existing powers to change Green Belt designations where there are strong pressure points in a particular urban area’ (p.44).

It calls for ‘planning guidance should be amended to advise regional and local planning authorities on assessing the value of land to society’, yet admits that the value of much greenfield land should be reduced. ‘Building on intensively farmed land would result in far smaller costs. These alternative land values are part of the framework within which the costs and benefits of housebuilding should be assessed. Moving towards an alternative approach, whereby land for development is assessed according to its relative value in society… including the implication that some Green Belt land should be re-designated’ (p.43-44).

The report calls for a massive extension of regional planning and regional involvement in the provision of social housing, taking power and discretion away from local councils and local people.

‘Regional Planning Bodies and Regional Housing Boards should be merged to create single bodies responsible for managing regional housing markets, delivering the region’s affordability target and advising on distributing resources for social housing. The Regional Planning and Housing Bodies would continue to be responsible for the Regional Spatial Strategy and the integration of housing with other regional functions’ (p.37).

‘The establishment of elected regional assemblies will allow various functions and strategies at the regional level to be brought together. However, even in the absence of elected regional assemblies, a streamlined institutional framework is possible and desirable’ (p.35).

Stealth increases in stamp duty

Labour have turned stamp duty into yet another stealth tax. Stamp duty thresholds have not increased with the rate of the rise in property prices. Hence due to fiscal drag, more households are paying stamp duty than ever before. Stamp duty of 1 per cent still kicks in on properties worth £60,000 or more; since the average first time property now costs over £60,000, the average first time buyer has to pay stamp duty on their home. Thresholds remained frozen in the Budget and have not changed under the current Government.

In Q1 1997, the average property for a first time buyer in the UK cost £48,273; by Q4 2003, it has risen to £99,019. Hence, the average first-time buyer is now paying £990 in stamp duty. With the exception of London, the average first time buyer’s property in every region was below the £60,000 threshold in 1997.

Liberal Democrat policy – VAT on new homes

In their own words, ‘the Liberal Democrats want a single level of VAT to apply to all housebuilding and renovation costs. Yes, this would make the initial cost of a new-built home more’ (Liberal Democrats Whips Office, internal briefing document, Focus on the Liberal Democrats, December 2002). Liberal Democrats plans would mean VAT to be levied at between 5 or 7 per cent on all new homes. It would add an average of £9,920 to the cost of an average new home in the UK.

The Treasury has ruled this out, warning it would have ‘an adverse impact on incentives to develop new housing’ (HM Treasury, Budget 2004, p.75).

Liberal Democrats claim that such a tax would affect few people – yet new properties account for 11 per cent of all property sales, and particularly first-time buyers (source: Halifax press release, 26 June 2002). Such a tax would just make housing less affordable, especially those on lower incomes. The tax would do nothing to stop the wrong houses being built in the wrong places.

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