Boris: new airport hub would ‘drive UK economy’

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson put forward the case for a new transport hub based on the Isle of Grain in Kent, saying it would be an “extraordinary” economic opportunity for the capital.

“Nobody likes the sound of an airport coming near them, but this would be something that would deliver huge numbers of jobs, huge economic opportunities for that part of Kent,” he said.

Speaking at City Hall the Mayor said the “inner estuary solution” would create approximately 375,000 jobs many of them in the Thames Gateway area and would add 742 billion pounds to the UK economy.

He rejected the idea of expansion at Heathrow saying, the idea that there was space to expand the airport was “crackers”

The mayor put forward an alternative vision of the Heathrow area saying, “we would have the chance to create tens of thousands – if not one hundred thousand homes, new high-tech businesses a university campus, it would be a quite extraordinary economic opportunity”.

One thought on “Boris: new airport hub would ‘drive UK economy’”

  1. Anything better than expanding Heathrow replace Heathrow with low-cost housing – call it “Thatching”. Good luck your problem will be with civil servants, “not invented here”

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