Pro Tips to Get Healthy and Hydrated Summer Hair
Summer is all fun and games until you come home with bushy hair and a bristly scalp. But does that mean no more impromptu beach dates or picnics in the park? -Hell no!
This summer will be all about velvety and luscious hair that everyone will be jealous of. We have listed 7 pro tips to maintain a healthy and shiny mane all summer long, no matter what your hair type, get the most professional assistance from mynaturalhairextensions.
If you are looking for stronger, softer, and shinier hair, you have to nourish your hair and scalp -You can start with a biotin hair care plan.
This has been reviewed as the ultimate gamechanger for people who struggle with maintaining a proper hair care routine.
Biotin contributes to healthy hair, skin, and nails. You can get the Super Greens or Everyday Wellness food supplements that will increase hair growth, reduce hair fall, and even get rid of brittle nails.
We all know how important Vitamin-B is for our hair and this biotin enriched product is the optimum source of nourishment for your hair as well as skin. I simply love how easy this product has made my summer hair care routine.
Split ends get damaged more and more every time due to sun exposure. This can lead to dryness or thin and lifeless hair ends. To enhance healthy hair growth simply trim off fine ends and see visible results.
You can also get a new haircut since summer is all about trendy hairstyles. Get creative and try a new look. I’m sure it will make one hell of an Instagram pic!
If you think it is okay to use the same hair care products every season, you could not be more wrong.
Get a nourishing shampoo that complements your hair type and you’ll instantly feel the difference. Heat and sweat may often cause frizziness and you may often get rashes in your scalp. So, it is important to use the right products for the season.
For the summer use shampoos and conditioners that are hydrating and provides a protective shield against the harsh UV rays, dust, and sand that inevitably will be part of our summers.
Gently massage shampoo onto the scalp area for a thorough cleanse and spread the remnants across your hair without drying them out with excessive shampoo. Finally, deep condition and rinse. You are all set for a bouncy and feathery soft hair.
Pro tip: If you have kinky curls, shampoo before going to bed. The hair will set overnight and you’ll wake up looking fresh.
Unless you are determined to damage your hair, steer clear of straighteners or curlers. It’s summer for crying out loud! Let your gorgeous hair air dry and go au naturel.
Summer heat dries out your tresses anyway. So, no matter how tempted you get to straighten or get beachy curls, please say “no” to any extra heat. It will just RUIN your hair.
Pro tip: If you have curls or super voluminous hair, you can blow them dry using the “cool” setting.
You thought only your skin needs an SPF shield? -Wrong!
Summer sun strips your hair off of its natural oils that give your hair that shiny appearance. So, just like your skin, protect your scalp and hair from the scorching heat. Use sun protection products for your hair before stepping out. You can find some good quality scalp sunscreens in Sephora.
But remember to apply sparingly. It’s not hair gel and you don’t want sticky hair. Just gently run it all over your tresses and you should be good to go.
Can we please keep the tight buns and knotted braids for winter?
Summer is for fluffy, breathable, and chic hairdos. Try loose braids and buns. Invest in a hydrating hair mist to keep your hair fresh and flowy. If you are in the mood for a DIY session, a diluted aloe vera gel can help fight the frizz.
Pro tip: If you can, avoid bleaching your hair during summer. It causes more heat damage and strips off your hair of essential oils.
16 thoughts on “Summer in the City”
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Be grateful, Gotham Girl, that your machinery — elevators &c. — stops altogether during a brown-out (I didn’t know they had those in the cities) : in the country, because things like refrigerators and washing machines are not usually so protected and utilities just want to go on billing their customers even when they know it’s dangerous to keep the supply on, the brown-out is a widespread cause of house fires.
In the U.K. the utilities are required not to allow the voltage to fall to the point at which a brown-out would occur ; they must cut the power to prevent it.
In the U.K. the utilities are required not to allow the voltage to fall to the point at which a brown-out would occur ; they must cut the power to prevent it.
Interesting. So if they see the dials dipping down into problem levels, the cut the system entirely? Here, the plan seems to be “rolling” the power dip across the system until demand drops. In a way, that means Con Ed (the utility company) is creating brownouts on purpose. I mean, they don’t send out a memo stating, “Dear residents of Carrol Gardens and Bushwick, we will be hitting you with a brown out later today” – but they do alert the transit authority and presumably a handful of other authorities that they will be rolling a brown out across a given area. Sometimes the transit authority even tells passengers BEFORE we get on the train. 🙂
They say it’s necessary because not enough people respond appropriately to the “robo calls” they send that ask people to turn off extra appliances etc. at problem time. That may be. It may not be. But it hasn’t escaped anyone’s notice that these brownouts are focused almost entirely on Brooklyn, Queen and Staten Island, almost never ever in Manhattan. Manhattan can’t possibly be demanding less power mid-day than Staten Island. It’s impossible.
The Bronx is spared such things for some reason due to their being connected to the mainland. Someone explained it to me once but was so hot and uncomfortable, I think I was ignoring them and dreaming of ski chalets in the Alps.
I waited for years for a Brown out!
“So if they see the dials dipping down into problem levels, the cut the system entirely ?” says Gotham Girl
Not exactly ; electric-power grids are cellular and the utilities can, first, assign different precedence to divers users and, secondly, isolate individual cells. Hospitals &c. emergency facilities have the highest precedence ; things like street lighting the lowest. The ‘dials’ tell those running the control stations how much load each cell imposes on the supply and the inevitable computer indicates which cells ought to be cut at any time to restore the voltage in the remaining to an acceptable level.
Unfortunately the highest-precedence users tend to be the greatest loads. Compare a hospital — or Medical Center, as you Morrcans call them (after all, why use a simple word like hospital when you can get a much bigger salary as director of a Medical Center ?) — with a system of street lighting ; a large office block with a few blocks of slum housing.
American utilities have all the same capabilities but the regulations — a fire-prevention measure — are not uniform and, as far as I know, not enforced even where they exist (I dare say risk-averse California has them ; likewise Colorado).
Hahahaha! I kept looking at ‘Morrcans’ and saying, “What the …” and only after I said it out loud did I realized it was what I always think of as – ‘Murkins (said most effectively with a mouth full of marbles and out of only one side of the mouth).
“the inevitable computer indicates which cells ought to be cut at any time to restore the voltage in the remaining to an acceptable level.” – says Pericles
And it even works most of the time – except when it doesn’t and a cascading failure gives you something like the Northeast Blackout of 2003. Good times. Actually, it wasn’t as bad as it might have been (says the girl who lives on the 5th floor – my neighbors 30 stories up likely felt differently). There was an oddly entertaining “block party” feel to the whole thing. I mean, we soon realized it wasn’t just us and that is was a situation stretching from Michigan to Maine and from Ontario to Ohio.
The controlled rolling brownout – action of choice for ConEd since the Queens Blackout of 2006 – seems to be their choice of lesser evil. That blackout was NOT a good time. People grumble with the rolling brownouts but things never get as ugly as they did 4 years ago in Queens.
California? Ugh- don’t even get me started. California is like a giant administrative, regulatory car wreck on the side of the road. You can’t see which end of the bus is which, a crowd of riders are milling about demanding (but refusing to authorize funding for) a new bus, there’s no sign of the driver – and traffic gets more and more snarled as everyone slows down to take a look.
All this talk of electrical failure makes me think it’s time to leave the city for a bit so I’m off to the country to pursue one of my other favorite summer activities this weekend – raspberry picking. If I get enough of them (assuming I don’t eat them all as I pick), I shall make raspberry sorbet.
Have a good weekend, all!
‘Murkins’ &c. : the pronunciation much depends on where you are. Beautiful description above by Gotham Girl of modern California.
A brown-out down to an acceptable level (sc. one that does not give rise to fire in electric motors &c. inductive loads) is better than a black-out, in that things are still working and, with enough kit shut down by sensible users (am I having a laugh ?), life can continue much as normal.
The cascading black-out to which you refer was a result of a solar coronal-mass ejection (C.M.E.) which gave rise to currents in transformers &c. grid components for which they were not designed. The cascade demonstrated that the system worked but it happened at a rate beyond the equipment’s ability to cope. Another, perhaps greater, is expected at any time.
Interesting related article in July’s National Geographic.
A spokesperson for the mayor said: “In the case of the ‘Democracy Village’ protesters, the mayor is pleased that the court of appeal has supported the high court’s decision that there are no grounds to appeal in this case and to return possession of Parliament Square Gardens to the GLA. The mayor has won on all points made in his claim, and all defences failed, vindicating his position.
Surely these people, without cars and in some cases houses, are doing far less damage than silver-spooners like Boris Johnson, with his people carrier and one assumes multiple homes,
I rather like the idea that the democratically elected mayor has used the legal apparatus of the democratic state to eject the unelected villagers from their democratic village. Will they repair to their democratic parents’ democratic homes, now?
I’d just like to point out that however hot it gets in either London or New York, it’s nowhere near as hot as it gets in the colonies.
In Sydney, schools (regardless of whether they have air conditioning or not) are only closed once the temperature reaches 45 Celsius.
Over here in the colonies, we just take it and get on with life. No, it’s not enjoyable to have to play school sport when it’s 42 degrees with 100% humidity, but we deal with it. It’s not fun to be on overcrowded 30 year old trains in rush hour on a chronically late public transport system, but it’s life.
You get rolling brown-outs, we get raging bushfires encroaching on cities.
Enjoy your reasonably livable northern weather. It could be worse.
Zac Goldsmith – whose fortune is estimated at £200m
How much is fellow public-school privilege boy Boris Johnson worth?
Ha! ‘Public school privelege boy’ Boris is worth about a grand less after he lost his silly bet with Max Hastings!
Is he worth 200 million pounds like fellow Eton boy Zac Goldsmith?
zxcv, did you get to choose your parents and your school?
Not many of us do.
Gibb love, you don’t need to wait for years for a Brown out, love. Prune juice is the best natural remedy. Just hope that it won’t be blowing a vuvuzela on its way out – that might scare the shite out of you.
Come to think of it – that might also do the trick, love. Hehehehe !!!!!
I just love the Parlour at F&M. Its the only place in London to get a truly great afternoon tea. Highly recommended.
I also recommend the Parlour. We are not from London, however we stayed with friends for a week a few months back and tea at the Parlour was one of the things they recommended to us.