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Look out for the following key seats on election night:
Orpington – Boris’s brother, Jo Johnson, is expecting the results at around 5.a.m.
Richmond Park – Zac Goldsmith
Brighton Pavilion
Romsey and Southampton North
Briston North West
Hastings and Rye
Feltham and Heston
Harrow West
Northampton North
Dudley North
North Warwickshire
Lancaster and Fleetwood
Bolton North East
The Mirror is right to put a picture of Boris Johnson in the Bullingdon Dining Club at Oxford on the front page.
Boris Johnson has never acknowledged the guilt of his silver-spoon background. Cameron has at least acknowledged it.
The Bullingdon was not a victimless crime. Imagine a northern grammar school boy turning up at Oxford and realising his new neighbours just want to be chums with their public-schoolboy pals.
Northern grammar shoolboys turn up at Oxford for the same reasons as anyone else who turns up at Oxford: because they worked hard and got the requisite qualifications. And if they want to dress up in silly clothes, they can, too! Is it a crime, victimless or otherwise, to look silly?
Thanks for advertising Vote Match. Just to correct you slightly.
It is a project of Unlock Democracy
The Telegraph Media Group are our newsprint media sponsors.
Matt Oliver
Project Coordinator
Vote Match
Well Boris looks silly and ‘ harmless ‘ with his big blonde mop and baggy clothes [ aka Bejing ]. It is part of his
” I am nice and will not harm you ” persona.. don’t believe it.
He is all about punitive fines, skimming wealth from the poor, and treating them with contempt whilst pretending to be a man of the people.
He is not a man of the people, he is charges normal Londoners £450.00 for missing an £8.00 congestion charge.
TFL and the bailiffs are backed by the same company. It is all about revenue raising through bullying and fines..
Do not vote for Boris He has done nothing for London !!
By his own staff’s admission he is not responsible for TFL.
“Boris looks silly and ‘ harmless ‘ with his big blonde mop and baggy clothes”
The dinner suit cost £1,000 back in the 80s. Boris Johnson had lots of daddy’s money to spend on 1,000 pounds dinner suits.
Important to remember the conversation with Guppy on a day like this;
More than once, Johnson tries to find out how severely Collier is to be injured. Guppy tells him “not badly at all”….. Johnson appears to be afraid of detection. “If you **** up, in any way,” he warns Guppy, “if he suspects I’m involved…”…
Guppy later interrupts: “But Boris there’s absolutely no ****** proof:you just deny it. I mean, there’s no proof at all.”… Eventually: “OK Darrie, I said I’ll do it and I’ll do it. Don’t worry.”… Guppy: “Boris, I really mean it, I love you and I will owe you this”…
haha ..well that just goes to show how ‘ silly ‘ he really is .. if he looks like a bag man and it costs him £1000 for the privilege..
Comment by sarah on May 6, 2010 @ 9:36 am
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
Well Boris looks silly and ‘ harmless ‘ with his big blonde mop and baggy clothes [ aka Bejing ]. It is part of his
” I am nice and will not harm you ” persona.. don’t believe it.
He is all about punitive fines, skimming wealth from the poor, and treating them with contempt whilst pretending to be a man of the people.
He is not a man of the people, he is charges normal Londoners £450.00 for missing an £8.00 congestion charge.
TFL and the bailiffs are backed by the same company. It is all about revenue raising through bullying and fines..
Do not vote for Boris He has done nothing for London !!
By his own staff’s admission he is not responsible for TFL.
Poorly-rated. Rate This: 2 5
Comment by sarah on May 6, 2010 @ 9:37 am
Rate This: 3 2
Comment by hjkl on May 6, 2010 @ 10:03 am
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
“Boris looks silly and ‘ harmless ‘ with his big blonde mop and baggy clothes”
The dinner suit cost £1,000 back in the 80s. Boris Johnson had lots of daddy’s money to spend on 1,000 pounds dinner suits.
Important to remember the conversation with Guppy on a day like this;
More than once, Johnson tries to find out how severely Collier is to be injured. Guppy tells him “not badly at all”….. Johnson appears to be afraid of detection. “If you **** up, in any way,” he warns Guppy, “if he suspects I’m involved…”…
Guppy later interrupts: “But Boris there’s absolutely no ****** proof:you just deny it. I mean, there’s no proof at all.”… Eventually: “OK Darrie, I said I’ll do it and I’ll do it. Don’t worry.”… Guppy: “Boris, I really mean it, I love you and I will owe you this”…
Poorly-rated. Rate This: 2 5
Comment by sarah on May 6, 2010 @ 10:20 am
Hidden due to low comment rating. Click here to see.
haha ..well that just goes to show how ‘ silly ‘ he really is .. if he looks like a bag man and it costs him £1000 for the privilege..
Poorly-rated. Rate This: 1 5
sarah, honey, sweetie, darling, you’re being an ass. The solution to censorship is not to provide the censors (in this case, a completely democratic hive mind) with more material to censor. The solution is to increase the value of your statements.
Like, for instance, this (which is surely worth a thousand words):
I was up at Cambridge when there were still closed scholarships, that is places open only to men from a particular public school. Few women were allowed. This eutrophied the University with a run-off of excess teenage wealth and caused an algal bloom of public schoolboys, colourful but rather nauseating.
They were, however, mostly harmless. Many studied hard. Others were good at games. True, they would waste a quantity of good brandy by regurguatating it into flower beds but the only ones I couldn’t stand were the wretched, hypocritical public-school-lefties. That great lump of chump-end beef Charles Clarke was commissar of the Socialist Society, planning the revolution from Daddy’s cottage on the Isle of Skye. Today’s Labour Party is infested with parasites like that and it is the chief reason why I want it to die.
Nick Clegg is a total flop in the polls, but unabashed, he is still poking his cute little nose into the affairs of this country
As soon as I hear his sententious preaching, I itch to give give him a good slap. When Cleggy gets pious, you can bet, he is on manoeuvres! Now he is nobly giving Cameron a chance to negotiate with his precious person, to form a coalition together. How do we know that his demands won’t be so extreme, that Cameron has to say no, and Clegg then does what he was planning all along, form an alliance with Labour? Clegg blocked a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, then preached to voters “The future is yours! You are the boss! The power is yours!” the little liar.
He fiddled lavish MEP expenses, then had the bare faced gall to lecture Brown and Cameron on corruption. He won that first debate through a con, and his poor showing in the polls is what he richly deserves. I can’t bear the little fake. Gordon is a bully and a megalomaniac, but Cleggy is worse. I wish some Old Etonians would take the little poser behind the back of the bike sheds and give him the thrashing he richly deserves.
Im sure that….. no….. must be my imagination???
oh may as well….. do i happen to recall…no….
ok , was there ever any sort of hint made by any of us that could possibly , if only in the slightest suggest a liberal and labour party coalition?? I am sure we would never say such things??
And if we did , those involved would no doubt fight that suggestion wouldnt they??? i mean they couldnt possibly want to prove us right all along ???
that is…
If we happened to mention what ever it was….. perhaps???
🙂 🙂
heres what i think (as per usual janina ! ) lol sorry
@Tiresias: I’m interested in your opinion of this piece:
Viewed in international context, what have been the salient characteristics of New Labour’s period in office? Firstly, its duration: part of a wave of Third Way governments that came to power in the 90s, Labour has outlived them all. Secondly, its whole-hearted embrace of the free market, far more open and enthusiastic than those of its European analogues. Most distinctive, however, has been its integral role in Washington’s serial military aggressions: Labour’s Atlanticism has exceeded not only that of Germany’s spd, which backed the assaults on Kosovo and Afghanistan but baulked at Iraq, but also governments of the centre-right in France, Italy, Spain. Finally, New Labour has led the way on torture and repression within the European Union—above all since 2001, when the reverberations of its own foreign policy began coursing back through the domestic scene.
New Labour’s remarkable longevity has largely depended on the unprecedented eclipse of the Conservative Party, which after its ejection from power in 1997 disappeared for a protracted bout of internal blood-letting; it only began to re-emerge as a contender after 2005.
HELP were starting a coneral coalition.
Well at least d.c is going about it in a sensible way , taking good points from each and limiting the EU in doing so. Well a tory Govt By any other name is still as Blue!
@sarah: Excuse for you being so rude! Did he in fact give out the address or not? Please inform us all of your obvious mistake ! And could you also possibly try not to be rude perhaps . If you could be mature at the same time then that will be an added bonus to us all.
And (this is a biggie now so im not expecting anything from you) Perhaps you could try and appreciate a man who has improved our capital and lives of its residents in a far superior way to that of his predecessors.
Should you want to exercise your freedom of speech, which you are entitled to do.. Do so with correct facts to support your case, no swearing and you may perhaps find someone will be willing to debate your concerns with you in a civilized manor.
Have I got this right? Do we all have to hang about and wait for Clegg and Cable to decide who they’re going to deign to make a deal with?
Maybe the Duckworth-Lewis method would be a better idea.
Dudley North had several recounts (one full and few semi) with the final count being a Labour hold of less than 400 votes. There was some charge of 2000 votes going missing and 100 Conservative votes were found in the UKIP box. All very worrying. Add to that stories of hundreds of voters being turned away from polling stations and it’s a bit of a shambles really – what if the entire electorate had turned out to vote? They wouldn’t have been able to cope at all. Very bad show.
Though the Conservatives didn’t get the landslide they were hoping for I thought they did astonishingly well, gaining seats in what were Labour ‘safe’ constituencies. It will be interesting to see what happens next…
All is not lost, folk! See how many seats the Conservative has gained – this shows more and more people have deserted Labour. Brown should resign and go with dignity. If he still has any left.
BBC political editor Nick Robinson commented: ” Gordon Brown was making a victory speech when the votes were still being counted last night yet Mr Brown’s eyes spoke of defeat “. Classic!
“Zac Goldsmith accused the Lib Dems of trying to “kneecap” him. His posters were torn down, he claimed, and Lib Dem activists had tried to infiltrate his campaign team.”
Reminds one of Boris Johnson bleating about his website being hacked during the mayor campaign. Conservaties love to make these unproveable smears.
Janina I was not being rude I was being honest.
Which is more then I can say for Boris and co his administration dishonest, so by default, so is he!
He, in my opinion is a bumbling, blonde mop, buffoon… lacking integrity.
He fleeces honest, working Londoners with ludicrous penalties for very minor misdemeanours.
His minions red fist any criticism then hide the comment… free speech my foot… boris should not be standing for the Tories, he supports massive government intervention via his revenue raising agenda which he performs via fining, this practice is Orwellian / Stalinist, his own administration is such.
Boris is either an Orwellian, Stalinist if his administration is anything to go by, if he is unaware of the tactics of the oppressive regime that he manages then his is truly buffoon, as stated.
Who are Capita investments? What personal connection does Boris have to this organisation?
Why do Capita fund TFL and the bailiffs who collect fines?????
And Raincoaster thank you for calling an ass, much appreciated 🙂 However, I have been ruffled up by Boris’s bully boys, I do not believe theer is a place in this country for extortion, I will speak out !
I’m intrigued by the thumbs downs on my previous mostly factual comment. It seems tribal voting is everywhere.
Latest news: At the request of the Russian communist government, Labour government has agreed to let British troops march alongside Russian communist troops through Red Square in Moscow ( ?! )
Thanks God, Labour has finished or they would persuade Brussels to let Russia join the Nato next.
hidden because truthful criticism of BJ cannot be tolerated on this site
Janina I was not being rude I was being honest.
Which is more then I can say for Boris and co his administration dishonest, so by default, so is he!
He, in my opinion is a bumbling, blonde mop, buffoon… lacking integrity.
He fleeces honest, working Londoners with ludicrous penalties for very minor misdemeanours.
His minions red fist any criticism then hide the comment… free speech my foot… boris should not be standing for the Tories, he supports massive government intervention via his revenue raising agenda which he performs via fining, this practice is Orwellian / Stalinist, his own administration is such.
Boris is either an Orwellian, Stalinist if his administration is anything to go by, if he is unaware of the tactics of the oppressive regime that he manages then his is truly buffoon, as stated.
Who are Capita investments? What personal connection does Boris have to this organisation?
Why do Capita fund TFL and the bailiffs who collect fines?????
And Raincoaster thank you for calling an ass, much appreciated However, I have been ruffled up by Boris’s bully boys, I do not believe theer is a place in this country for extortion, I will speak out !
Who are capita ?
What is boris’s connection to this company ?
why do they own the bailiffs ?
Why are they employed by Boris to run Transport for London ?
Why is Google applying a filter on complaints about TFL and congestion charge ?
Mr BJ is a fraud ..
BORIS YOU ARE A TRAITOR AND you should resign
BORIS lacks integrity and backbone, Boris betrays Londoners with massive fines ..
Boris extends congestion zones to increase his coffers.
Boris out !!!
Dont vote for Boris !
He is an awful mayor
“Dont vote for Boris ; He is an awful mayor” — Sarah
Sarah, might I respectfully suggest that, instead of shouting at visitors to this site, you calmly set out — in a further comment — how your missed congestion charge of £8 came to be a fine of £450. I assume no-one else reading this ’blog knows any more than I what has made you so angry ; please explain.
“Dont vote for Boris ; He is an awful mayor” — Sarah
Pericles, I appreciate your good intentions (above). But I’m not sure it’s prudent to invite further comment from someone who, to date, is self-evidently unwilling or unable to provide justification for her comments. You surely will not get any actual facts or intelligent dialogue (I think someone on this site already invited such input, but the invitation was not taken up and instead yet more repetition of the same tedious mantra followed). If she had wanted to explain, she would surely have done so already. I should stress that the problem is not that she is having a rant (we all feel like that occasionally) but rather that her chosen approach – i.e. completely lacking explanation or provision of facts and, therefore, lacking logic to a neutral observer – has already entirely undermined any legitimate complaint she might have had and undermined anything further she might have to say on anything else. In short: it is too late!
The negotiations between Cameron and Clegg are taking far too long. Cameron is being too polite, quit pussy footing around Dave, and put the boot in.
Here are some good things for you to say.
@Sarah: OK Sarah…
firstly the people on this site work very hard to keep it up and running and remarkably well too.
This is alongside having jobs. You will find that the site admin are no more Boris’ minions than i am nick cl eggs mistress.
This site is not solely filled with Boris related material. There are an awful lot of various other very well thought through and equally well written topics. Many have contributed to this and it is a very popular site.
The comment rating system is stop behavior close to that which you are displaying,which is bordering upon spam.
If you have real concerns as you have stated RE; Boris etc, i would be more than happy to discuss these with you as to be perfectly honest;
amongst our benches Boris is one of the only ones who continually works to help the public.
I understand you may of had a fine, i had the same problem only with a penalty fare on the train.
However i had this dismissed as i wrote an appeal letter the times dates etc. There is a strict process with these things as if there was not many people would pay no attention.
I would advise you in the future should you have a similar problem to write down all the details take a copy then send it off to the relevant dept.
It is not the fault of Boris in regards to this matter, just as it is not the fault of a P.M should any of his members fall victim to corruption.
I would ask you to think this through before making judgment. Boris had no part in my fine it just so happened i was faced with a rather arrogant member of the transport police who claimed he had never been in a position where he was unable to buy a ticket due to a broken machine; as he got free travel!
Unless the mayor himself dealt with you either in person or any other correspondence he would be totally unaware of your problem.
Ken however, i would not put it past him if he stole your wallet and put the money towards another glass gherkin or pickled onion.
That is if you would ever get to meet the man. Boris has tirelessly going out meeting the public finding out what they actually need and would like to see and acted accordingly.
Yes, i have forgiven the bendy bus, we all make mistakes we are human after all. You will find that unlike those who have had silly amounts of your , the taxpayers money, Boris has kept up 2nd jobs as editor and writer for the spectator etc. He has written novels and guest presented tv programs. Along with i believe a tv series on tome (do not quote me) . He is a talented fiction and non-fiction writer , a very intelligent man who unlike others attending oxford etc took a bust not adult magazines with him to decorate his room. He possess qualities of Pericles (the founder of government)and has made significant changes while he has been in his job. Including getting the younger generation interested in politics and contributing to society. His euro-skepticism is one of the things greatly working in your favor as that fine would be far bigger at the hands of the E.U and you would be paying it in euros!
He is a good man he has children and a wife and he unlike some does not look down his nose at others less fortunate than himself he will admit when he is wrong and can even laugh at himself when he is. He even after becoming mayor has been working with the public via physically meeting them or via the media. Can you tell me of a politician who has shown the same amount of dedication after achieving what post he desired? Well Churchill and thatcher worked very hard although not to the extent he has re; public interaction.Have you never turned on your TV one day when not feeling all that good to see Boris falling in a river or similar and had a slightly better remainder of that day as a result? Well, you may not admit it but a fair few have.
I take it as a personal offense when someone who is not knowledgeable enough about him to judge him does just this.
I had asked you not to be rude and you did tone it down but you still were rather less than polite. Plus you are filling the website that these people work very hard to maintain with things that may deter people from coming here due to your launguage. Please will you stop this as it is notthe fault of anyone here that you have had a bad experience ust as it is not boris’s fault either. Your comment are hidden at the request not of the site but of the visitors i hope you understand this. As an ip address can only rate a comment once. so it is many different people who in fact do not appreciate what is written.
Even so your comment is merely hidden, i have just read them myself so they are not denying you your right to an opinion. They could very easily ban your ip address as can all sites but as i can see they have done this neither.
I would guess had this been your site you would not of allowed these to be published or done the same to make sure your work was not ruined? There are forums should you wish to discuss in a manner suitable for all of the family.
I would suggest you visit who may offer you some legal advice regarding your problem.
However, you will find that if you follow the relevant links on the sidebar to the mayors site, then you can use a contact form to actually tel the mayor himself.
I can assure you that if you conduct yourself in a suitable manner, without derogatory terms etc then you shall receive a response just as the rest of us within 20 days. That i would guess is something that was not the same with red ken. There you will also find whatever info you need and see just what a good job he is doing.Feel free to visit my network should you still not be satisfied.
Failing all of this ,on condition you were to stop making posts of this nature i would be more than happy to reassure you myself that he is not the devil reincarnate nor the creature hiding under the stairs. Resorting to name calling based upon looks , this lowers you to the level of a playground bully. As i say should you want to talk this through further feel free to follow the link on my name above and email me via the contact form.
It would also be greatly appreciated if you could perhaps apologize for your behavior as i am sure you would be rather annoyed had it been your site.
Now Sarah i can assure you that i am about as big a fan of Boris you will find but, although offended by your comments have remained calm and even tried to help. I have shown you respect although you have not done the same to good friends of mine.
I hope you are sensible enough to respond in the same fashion and with the same amount of respect i have shown yourself. No matter how much someone complains and continues to fight if they have wronged in their mind, i assure you the second you resort to swearing, people have no time for you and will not entertain this.
So please would you be kind enough to stop, apologize to the admin of the site ten as i said contact me should you want to discuss this further. Thank you.
Before fingers fall off and tesco’s shuts…
I wanted you guys to see why it is that i voted tory.
Phew , id better run!
Sarah, are you talking about parking fines? I actually agree with you that councils do milk the public through these fines. I live in Camden, and parking fines are slapped on private car owners for the most ridiculous reasons, for example, my neighbour got one, because the council had neglected to put up a sign that there should be no parking in that place for two days.
He went to court and recouped his money, but a lot of people don’t have the time and confidence to do that.
Camden Council also milks cab drivers for parking fines. and I have heard many drivers complain about it.
However, none of these drivers were so silly as to blame Boris. They understand that each council is an individual entity, and they are the driving force behind this policy, which is nevertheless wrong. Also the Mayor cannot do every single thing.
Instead of being abusive, why don’t you make a clearly expressed formal complaint to the right quarter, and see what happens to that? But in fairness, I have to say, Camden Council certainly rips off drivers very unfairly over parking fines, cameras are everywhere, and it is a way of raising revenue for them. Maybe Boris should know about this, but unless he has proper evidence, he wouldn’t be able to do anything. You need proper, documented evidence for a complaint, wild accusations just put peoples’ backs up.
sarah: “Who are capita ?”
You are right to ask these questions.
Boris Johnson’s London mayoral campaign received financial support from a controversial Japanese company.
Use of the offices in County Hall is worth at least £12,000 based on the preferential rate Johnson had earlier been paying. The arrangement is controversial because if he wins, any future planning application by Shirayama could wind up on his desk.
It shows the fundamental grease my palms attitude of the current mayor.
Sarah – Pericles is correct – please tell us how your missed congestion charge of £8 came to be a fine of £450. We may be able to offer some help, advice or at least sympathy.
The Conservatives that run this site would help anyone, and so would Boris, I know this to be true.
When are they going to institute fines for typing in ALL CAPS? That’s what I want to know.
Maybe it was only a Labour’s supporter messing around because Labour has lost this general election.