Boris Johnson wishes his readers on the blog a Merry Christmas and a sizzling New Year
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Boris Johnson wishes his readers on the blog a Merry Christmas and a sizzling New Year
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And a Merry Christmas to Boris and Melissa and everyone else.
Merry Christmas Boris, merry Christmas Melissa 🙂
Merry Christmas everyone else!
Thank you! Same to you and yours. Hope you got the saskatoon jam.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Kwanzaa one and all!
Merry Christmas All!
Merry Christmas Boris, Merry Christmas Melissa, Merry Christmas Stanley, Merry Christmas Y’all 🙂
Merry Christmas Boris, Melissa and everyone 🙂
Merry Christmas to all, but if my New Year could possibly sizzle less than my old one, that would be swell.
Wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
Although I donot want to complain on Christmas day, however, please be informed that British Embassy and British Council Websites are denied access in part of Tehran. This I suspect should be against international law to restrict access to information as such.
Enjoy Festove Season !
Hi Nasrin (and I trust that’s not your real name)
I hope our government can restrain themselves from more ill advised adventurism in the middle east, and specifically against your country. Typically, open debate and free exchange of opinion is poison to autocratic regimes such as yours, and so I am unsurprised that they suppress it. Do your best to spread the truth to the best of your ability, and don’t get caught! I hope you can, at least, tune into the BBC and listen to some less biased reporting of world events.
oops well Happy new year anyway , (I` ve been away)
**waves to YOU**
Great hearing from you.
Raincoaster – your New Year sounds like it’s going to be something to reckon with…
Captain Badger: It is my real name, I dont in my wildest dream imagine that I can desguise my true identity. The BIG TRUTH is that people like me who speak the language and can convey messages are under HOUSE ARRESTS. I dont trust anything that I hear even from my children as I have realized that these are MANIPULATED INFORMATION. These people have enough troops to conduct such a vast deviated schemes of spreading misinformation. I hope my immigration application being endorsed by the British Government before I cease to exist. My braveness comes from the fact that I have nothing to loose – I already have lost it all. Even my children are confiscated. I am sorry for telling sad story on this day. Oxford is the most soothing Entity in my world of total isolation….
What I meant by isolation, to use the correct term is being away from my friends in Oxford – otherwise here there are plenty of “pollutants” who are missioned to talk.
Which of the following politicians do you feel generally POSITIVE about? [Select all that apply]
Tony Blair
Gordon Brown
John Reid
Jack Straw
David Miliband
Alan Johnson
Patricia Hewitt
Boris Johnson
Hilary Benn
David Cameron
George Osborne
David Davis
William Hague
Andrew Lansley
Liam Fox
David Willetts
Peter Hain
Harriet Harman
Sir Menzies Campbell
Simon Hughes
Nick Clegg
None of these/Don’t know
I’ve just voted for Boris on the above, latest, YouGov survey, blow all of the other politicians, I’m fed up with all of them.
Oh come on, Flo, give the boy Hague a chance (and Dave C, of course).
Who are those people? Santa’s elves?
A Very Happy New Year to everyone from me too.
Happy New year.
Especially to you Boris you minx and… well, I’ve just been thinking… four! I couldn’t cope with 4!! I would have liked four, but, you know, they grow. When they get to 18 they want gap years in mexico. My cousin has seven, yep, seven and a happier family you could not wish to meet. (Happy New Year William Geraint)
Christmas – it’s all about the children. What future are we giving them??
Auntie Flo
The names got better after Boris – for me they would include BJ of course, Hilary Benn, D Cameron, G Osborne, W Hague,A Lansley, L Fox and D Willetts.
We must have hope for 07 and these names could give us lift-off
We must have hope for 07 and these names could give us lift-off. (Melissa)
Oh come on, Flo, give the boy Hague a chance (and Dave C, of course). (PaulD)
I was so impressed with Cameron, Boris, Osborne, Hague – and Jeremy Hunt – a few months ago, PaulD, that I joined your new Conservatives. So why do I now feel that the credibility of all – except Boris – is disintegrating?
The new 007 fodder seems as feasible a PM to me at present as – in 07, 08 or 09 – the prospect of yet another unaccountable sofa government. The thought of government by an unelected Ali Campbell clone, who makes up fantasises as he goes along – about a cashless utopia run along the lines of a giant multinational ethics supermarket – it’s horrific.
Bet you delete this, Melissa, no hard feelings if you do 🙂
Happy New Year, Jaq and everyone.
Woops, sorry, meant to say fantasies – not ‘fantasises’
Flo – Happy New Year! I like Hague, he was better than Cameron at PM QT in my opinion.
There’s a couple of very bright lights out there (and not just) Boris) Watch this space for more details. Flo, I have an ace up my sleeve!!
Flo – looks good to me
–btw you are so right about Jeremy Hunt and wonder how you came across him… he seeks solace in the House of Commons crypt occasionally and scores very highly in my book for that
Cameron is ace at PMQs, Jaq, you can’t deny him that. What upsets me is his reliance on this spin doctor and the unwise amount of influence he affords him.
Very serious errors of judgement have been made. Cameron needs to be spin doctored like he needs a hole in the head. He should get rid of this spin doctor and follow his own instincts.
I recognise that he’s up against a formidable opponent in Blair – and that Blair’s spin doctored from dawn to dusk. But that’s just the point. People are sick to the back teeth of it, we’ve had it with the lies and the fabrications – and that’s all these spin doctors do. What people out here are desperate for is imperfect authenticity, not spin doctored perfection. We want a PM who’s the antidote to spin. That’s what I thought Cameron was.
There’s a couple of very bright lights out there (and not just) Boris) Watch this space for more details. Flo, I have an ace up my sleeve!! (Jaq)
Unreconstructed Cameron’s the ace, I wish he had the sense to recognise that and run with it – a mile away from spin doctors.
You are so right about Jeremy Hunt and wonder how you came across him… he seeks solace in the House of Commons crypt occasionally and scores very highly in my book for that.
Jeremy is Shadow Minister for people with disabilities. He made a speech some months back asking for parliamentary proceedings to be subtitled in order to make parliament accessible to those of us who are deaf or hearing impaired. I emailed Jeremy to thank him for speaking up for deaf and hearing impaired people – I’m very deaf, Melissa, have been so since childhood. I was surprised to receive quite a lengthy reply thanking me for my interest.
I’ve put Jeremy on my ‘They Work For You’ list, so receive transcriptions of everything he says in Parliament. I receive more transcriptions for him than for anyone else on my list, he asks masses of questions – relevant ones, not time wasters – he’s a very diligent and hard working MP.
I was very impressed too with his all night vigil outside Parliament to save his local hospital – and he’s fighting to save Surrey’s gardens, he’s a very good bloke
Many thanks Auntie Flo’; that helps complete the picture